How To Keep Wedding Invitations Together

  • Date: March 21, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

When it comes to wedding invitations, it’s important to ensure that all the pieces stay together and arrive at their destination in one piece. From traditional methods to creative alternatives, there are many ways to keep wedding invitations together.

In this article, we’ll provide you with tips and ideas for keeping your invitation suite organized and intact, so that you can be confident that your guests will receive all the information they need in one beautiful package.

Traditional Methods

While there are many modern solutions to this problem, traditional methods are still popular for their classic elegance and effectiveness. Here are some traditional methods for keeping wedding invitations together:

Using an inner and outer envelope

This method involves placing the invitation suite inside an inner envelope, which is then placed inside an outer envelope for mailing. The outer envelope is typically addressed and sealed, while the inner envelope is left unsealed with the guests’ names written on it. This method not only keeps the invitation components together but also adds an extra layer of protection during mailing.

Tying the invitation suite together with ribbon or twine

This is a simple and elegant solution for keeping invitation components together. A piece of ribbon or twine is tied around the invitation suite, securing all of the pieces in place. This method allows for easy removal of the pieces when the guests receive the invitation.

Using a belly band to keep the pieces together

A belly band is a thin strip of paper or ribbon that is wrapped around the invitation suite to hold all of the pieces together. This method is particularly popular for minimalist or modern wedding invitations, as it adds a touch of style while keeping things simple.

Creative Alternatives

There are many creative alternatives to the traditional methods of keeping wedding invitations together. Here are some ideas to consider:

Pocketfold or Enclosure

A pocketfold or enclosure is a folded card that has pockets or slots to hold each piece of the invitation suite. These are particularly useful for wedding invitations with multiple pieces or cards that are different sizes. Pocketfolds and enclosures come in a variety of colors and designs to match the theme of your wedding.

Single Card

Printing all of the pieces of the invitation suite on a single card is a unique and modern option. This option works best for simple weddings with minimal details, or for couples who want to keep the invitation suite as streamlined as possible.

Custom Wax Seal

Using a custom wax seal to hold the pieces of the invitation suite together is a romantic and elegant option. A wax seal can be personalized with your initials or wedding logo and adds a special touch to the invitation.

Ribbon or Twine

Tying the invitation suite together with ribbon or twine is a classic and timeless option. This is a great way to add a pop of color or texture to the invitation and can be tied in a bow or knot to hold the pieces together.

Assembling wedding invitations with ribbon can add an elegant touch to your wedding invitations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to assemble wedding invitations with ribbon:

  1. Start by printing out all the pieces of your wedding invitation suite. This includes the main invitation, RSVP card, and any other inserts you may have.
  2. Cut the ribbon into strips that are long enough to wrap around the invitation suite and tie into a bow.
  3. Lay the invitation suite face down on a flat surface.
  4. Take one piece of ribbon and wrap it around the invitation suite, making sure it’s centered.
  5. Cross the ribbon over each other at the back of the invitation suite and bring it back to the front.
  6. Tie the ribbon into a bow at the front of the invitation suite, adjusting the length and tightness of the bow as necessary.
  7. Trim any excess ribbon with scissors, leaving a little bit of a tail for a neat finish.
  8. Place the completed invitation suite into the envelope, with the bow facing upwards and the addressed side facing down.

Tips for Keeping Invitations Together

Invitations often include multiple pieces such as RSVP cards, envelopes, and reception cards, which can be difficult to keep organized. Here are some tips for keeping invitations together and avoiding any mishaps.

Pay attention to weight and thickness

One of the most important factors to consider when keeping invitations together is the weight and thickness of the paper. If the paper is too thin or flimsy, it can easily tear or become damaged during mailing. Using a thicker paper stock can help prevent damage and keep the pieces together.

Use strong adhesive or glue

Another way to keep invitations together is to use strong adhesive or glue. This is especially important when using pocketfolds or enclosures, as these can easily come apart during handling or shipping. Make sure to use a strong adhesive that can hold up to the weight and thickness of the paper.

Consider including a map or additional details to minimize separate pieces

If you’re worried about keeping multiple pieces of an invitation suite together, consider including a map or additional details on the invitation itself. This can help minimize the number of separate pieces and make it easier to keep everything together.

How to Put Wedding Invitations in Envelope

When it comes to putting wedding invitations in envelopes, there are a few steps to keep in mind to ensure that the invitations arrive at their destination in pristine condition. Here are some tips to help you assemble your wedding invitation suite and get them ready for mailing:

Organize the invitation suite

Before you start putting the invitations in the envelope, make sure you have everything you need. Organize the invitation suite by stacking the components in the order they will be seen by the recipient. Typically, this will include the invitation card, any additional cards (such as RSVP cards or directions), and an envelope.

Address the envelopes

Address the outer envelopes first, ensuring that you include the recipient’s full name, address, and any necessary postal codes. Use neat handwriting or print clear, easy-to-read labels to avoid confusion or delays in delivery. If you’re using inner envelopes, address them next, using only the recipient’s name.

Assemble the invitation suite

Once the envelopes are addressed, it’s time to assemble the invitation suite. Place the invitation card on the bottom, followed by any additional cards, and then the reply card. You may choose to stack these components together and then tie them with a ribbon or place them in a belly band.

Insert the invitation suite into the envelope

Carefully slide the invitation suite into the envelope, making sure that the invitation is facing up and that the additional cards and reply card are also facing the right direction. If you’re using inner envelopes, insert the entire suite into the inner envelope before inserting it into the outer envelope.

Seal the envelope

Seal the envelope by licking the adhesive strip or using a damp sponge to moisten it. If you’re using glue, make sure it’s strong enough to keep the envelope sealed during transit.

Add postage

Finally, add the appropriate amount of postage to the outer envelope. Make sure that the envelope is fully covered by the postage stamp to avoid any additional fees or delays in delivery.


In conclusion, there are several ways to keep wedding invitations together and present them to guests in an organized and aesthetically pleasing manner. Traditional methods such as using an inner and outer envelope or tying the pieces together with ribbon can add a touch of elegance and formality to the invitation suite.

Creative alternatives such as using a pocketfold or custom wax seal can also provide a unique and personalized touch. Ultimately, it’s important to consider the weight and thickness of the invitations, use strong adhesive or glue, and consider including additional details to minimize separate pieces.

By following these tips and tricks, couples can ensure that their wedding invitations arrive in style and make a memorable impression on their guests.

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