DIY Wedding Invitations: Tips and Tricks for Crafting Your Own

  • Date: March 29, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

DIY wedding invitations are a great way to add a personal touch to your big day while also saving money. With the right planning, preparation, and techniques, creating your own invitations can be a fun and rewarding project.

In this article, we’ll explore tips and tricks for crafting your own DIY wedding invitations, from choosing a design to cost-saving strategies.

Planning and Preparation

DIY wedding invitations can be a cost-effective and creative way to add a personal touch to your special day. However, it’s important to plan and prepare before jumping into the project. Here are some tips and tricks for getting started:

Choosing a design or theme

Before gathering materials and tools, it’s important to have a clear idea of the design or theme you want for your invitations. This can be based on your wedding theme, personal style, or a combination of both. Take some time to research different designs and gather inspiration from wedding blogs, Pinterest, or even magazines.

Gathering necessary materials and tools

Once you have a clear idea of your design, make a list of all the materials and tools you’ll need to bring your vision to life. This may include paper, cardstock, envelopes, adhesives, cutting tools, stamps, and more. Be sure to do a thorough inventory of what you already have on hand and what you’ll need to purchase.

Setting a budget

DIY wedding invitations can be a budget-friendly option, but costs can quickly add up if you’re not careful. Set a budget for your project and stick to it by finding ways to save on materials or opting for less expensive options. For example, consider using standard printer paper instead of expensive cardstock or sourcing envelopes from a discount retailer.

DIY Invitation Ideas and Techniques

Creating DIY wedding invitations can be a fun and creative way to personalize your wedding and save money at the same time. With so many techniques and materials available, the possibilities for DIY invitations are endless. Here are some ideas and techniques to get you started:


Hand-lettered invitations can be a beautiful and unique touch for your wedding. You can use a variety of pens, markers, or brushes to create different styles of lettering. If you don’t feel confident in your own hand-lettering skills, consider using a stencil or template to guide you.


Calligraphy is a classic and elegant way to add a touch of sophistication to your wedding invitations. If you’re new to calligraphy, there are many online tutorials and classes available to help you learn the basics. You can use traditional calligraphy pens and ink, or try out modern calligraphy techniques using brush pens or markers.


Stamping is a simple and cost-effective way to add custom designs and patterns to your invitations. You can use rubber stamps, foam stamps, or even create your own stamps using materials like potatoes or erasers. Experiment with different ink colors and types to create unique effects


Embossing is a technique that uses heat to create raised designs and lettering on paper. You can use embossing powder and a heat gun to add a shiny, metallic finish to your invitations. Embossing can be used in combination with other techniques like stamping or calligraphy for a truly unique look.

Printing at home

If you have access to a home printer, you can create your own custom designs and print your invitations at home. There are many software programs and templates available online to help you create professional-looking invitations. Be sure to choose high-quality paper and ink for the best results.

Tips and Tricks for Success

Whether you are looking to save money or add a personal touch, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating your DIY invitations. Here are some tips and tricks to help ensure your DIY wedding invitations turn out beautifully.

  1. Practice on scrap materials before beginning: Before you start making your invitations, practice on some scrap materials to get a feel for the process. This will allow you to experiment with different techniques and styles, and help you to perfect your skills before you start working on the real invitations.
  2. Work in batches to save time: Creating your own wedding invitations can be time-consuming, so it’s important to work efficiently. To save time, work in batches. For example, cut all the cardstock at once, stamp or print all the invitations at once, and then assemble them together.
  3. Use a ruler or template for precise measurements: Precision is key when it comes to making your own invitations, so it’s important to use a ruler or template for accurate measurements. This will help ensure that all your invitations are uniform in size and shape.
  4. Double-check spelling and grammar: Nothing ruins the look of a beautiful invitation like a spelling mistake or grammatical error. Be sure to double-check all the text on your invitations before printing or stamping.
  5. Enlist help from friends or family: Creating your own wedding invitations can be a lot of work, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Enlist the help of friends or family to assist with cutting, stamping, or assembling the invitations. Not only will this make the process go faster, but it can also be a fun activity to do together.

Cost-Saving Strategies

Creating your own DIY wedding invitations can save you a significant amount of money, while also allowing you to add your personal touch to the invitations. Here are some cost-saving strategies for DIY wedding invitations.

Use Affordable Materials

One of the best ways to save money on DIY wedding invitations is to use affordable materials. Consider using cardstock or recycled paper instead of more expensive options. You can also use affordable embellishments like ribbon, twine, or stickers. Consider using a simple design that doesn’t require many materials, which can help you save even more money.

Limit the Number of Layers or Extras

Adding multiple layers or extras like ribbons, pockets, or envelope liners to your invitations can significantly increase the cost. Consider simplifying your design and only including the essential components, like the invitation, RSVP card, and envelope.

Create Digital Invitations Instead of Printed

Digital invitations are becoming increasingly popular, and for a good reason – they are cost-effective and environmentally friendly. You can create beautiful digital invitations using online design tools or templates, and then send them to your guests via email or text message. This option is particularly useful if you have a large guest list, as printing hundreds of invitations can be costly.

How do you make a wedding invitation unique?

There are many ways to make a wedding invitation unique and memorable. Here are some ideas:

  1. Incorporate personal touches: Add a unique element that represents you as a couple, such as a favorite quote, song lyrics, or a symbol that holds special meaning.
  2. Use creative designs: Instead of the traditional square or rectangular shape, consider a unique shape or design element, such as a circular invitation or an intricate laser-cut design.
  3. Experiment with different materials: Explore unique and unexpected materials for your invitations, such as wood, fabric, or acrylic.
  4. Add a splash of color: Incorporate bold and bright colors, metallic accents, or watercolor designs to make your invitation stand out.
  5. Handwrite or personalize: Write out the invitations by hand or personalize each invitation with the recipient’s name for an extra special touch.
  6. Add texture: Incorporate texture through different paper stocks or materials, such as embossed or letterpressed designs.
  7. Use creative wording: Add a playful or humorous tone to the wording on your invitations, or use a unique font or calligraphy style to make it stand out.

Remember, the most important thing is to make your invitation reflect you as a couple and your unique love story.


Crafting your own DIY wedding invitations can be a fun and rewarding project that adds a personal touch to your big day. With the right planning, preparation, and techniques, you can create unique and beautiful invitations that your guests will love. Use these tips and tricks to get started and make your wedding invitations truly one-of-a-kind.

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